Oferta speciala de publicitate la ROMPOST TV, OMNI BC, Cable 8, Vancouver

In luna Septembrie demareaza a 12- a serie a emisiunii Rompost TV, motiv pentru care oferim afacerilor Canadiene, cu proprietari Romani, productie video gratuita si preturi reduse pentru reclama la televiziune. Atasate sint preturile publicitare pentru o campanie publicitara de 3 luni:- 15 secunde de reclama costa $25+GST cu un total de 4 intrari pe […]

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ROMPOST TV promoveaza cu succes business-ul dvs. in Vancouver, British Columbia si restul Canadei

Cu siguranta marea majoritate a romanilor care locuiesc in British Columbia au vizionat cel putin o data programul ROMPOST TV, produs de Sonia Productions Inc . Rompost Tv este programul fanion romanesc atat pentru promovarea activitatilor de business locale, dar si pentru promovarea valorilor culturale, istorice si religioase romanesti. Interviurile deosebite cu romanii care traiesc sau viziteaza […]

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5 Negotiation Strategies Every Entrepreneur Should Know

When you come down to it, all business is basically about negotiation. Whether you’re trying to land a new customer, get your employees to put in more hours, or pitch a VC for funding, you will need negotiation skills. A mastery of negotiation essentially requires a mastery in people. The better you are with people, the better you will perform in any negotiation. At the same time, there are a number of negotiation strategies you can adopt to come out the winner in any business deal: 1. Good Cop/Bad Cop You’ve seen this routine repeated in countless movies – the aggressive, hot-tempered saunters into the interrogation room and intimidates the accused, only to be followed by the kind-hearted fatherly cop who promises better treatment in exchange for co-operation. As trite as it may be, the good cop/bad cop routine is a staple of movies because it works.

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