We are specialized in web-based database driven applications and we offer domain names, web hosting & web design, e-commerce, affiliate marketing & more. We work with WordPress software. We offer services in English & Romanian languages. Our services are specialized in both Business and Christian Church / Organization websites. Select now from our professional web services. Read about our Wordpress managed hosting packages. We highly recommend Globo.Tech World Class Hosting, which we use since 2016. Our Business Partners
Web Hosting
WordPress Management
PHP & Database Programming
You'll love our work! We design websites for different businesses, ministries or churches. You can choose from a variety of designs, either free or low cost.
“I have worked with Lucian Web Service for 2 years now and have set up 3 websites in that time period. They followed my wishes and adapted designs to best suit my needs. Whenever I need something changed in the design or in the layout of the website I always receive prompt service. Fast and friendly service is their mark in the website design market.” Janet Hall – Associate Superintendent at Alberta Conference of SDA Church
Janet Hall
“Lucian is hosting several sites for our company and he proved to have excellent customer skills. Lucian has been always available to help and to get us you out of trouble. He is a real professional, has a creative team and is a great person to work with.” September 3, 2008 Corneliu Rusu, Manager, Symposia Community Bookstore (business partner)
Corneliu Rusu
“Lucian is a dedicated visionary and hard worker. He sees the vision for social media and has for years, while the rest of are just catching on. Lucian is a leader in social media, and can help your organization or department reach your goals.” Darryl Hosford, President, SimpleUpdates.com (colleague), worked directly with me as a subcontractor
Darryl Hosford
“During the time I have enjoyed the privilege of getting to know Lucian, I have been especially impressed by his expertise both as a technical and marketing professional, and as a man who is genuinely interested in building relationships and reciprocating for value. His clients benefit from his caring, principled approach and those business owners who are wise enough to collaborate with him can look forward to a lasting and lucrative relationship. I value my relationship with Lucian and I highly recommend him.” Robin J. Elliott, President, Leverage Advantage Systems, www.DollarMakers.com (business partner)
Robin Elliott
“Lucian is an experienced, knowledgeable and giving person who is eager to help others maximize their internet capabilities. He is most generous with his expertise and supportive to his clients. Working with him is beneficial because your outcomes will be rewarding and financially beneficial. You would be most fortunate to learn and gain from this trustworthy techie!” Sandy Chernoff, Soft Skills Consultant, www.SoftSkillesForSuccess.com
We offer professional web hosting services on our dedicated server provided by Globo Tech, one of the world hosting provider leaders. Globo Tech provides reliable, fast, 100% up time network, with updated software and top customer support. We provide domain services and we'll take care of your domain setup and future changes.
WordPress Management
We recommend WordPress Content Management System to our customers. They can self-manage and update their website, while we permanently monitor WordPress security threats and provide software and plugin updates. If our customer needs it, we can provide website updates for them. We provide the initial website setup, based on our customer preferences.
Reviews & Affiliate Marketing
We actively promote different affiliate programs, including books, continuing education, software, deals and coupons and more.
We also write professional reviews for other websites or services. Please contact us if you needs us to review your website.