by +Dirk Singer in +The Guardian

#instagram #photo #photography #photographer #picture #feed #statigram #extragram #instagrid #instaport #gpluslws

“An army of mobile photographers is waiting to document your event – here’s why you shouldn’t say no, and you shouldn’t just leave them to it.

London’s Royal Opera House currently has 372 Instagram images attached to it by way of a #royaloperahouse hashtag. Another 816 Instagram users have specifically tagged their posts with the words ‘Somerset House’ and almost 500 have left the equivalent of a mobile calling cards by geo-tagging pictures to the Royal Opera House’s foursquare location in the past month alone.

These are just a few examples of how mobile photography has given anyone armed with a smartphone the ability to provide real-time visual updates on cultural and arts events.

More to the point, they are doing so without asking permission. You might see that as a threat, with mobile users sending out unapproved images into the ether – but hopefully you’ll see it as a huge opportunity and actively encourage it. Over the past few weeks, I’ve seen the two different approaches at play.”

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Why Instagramers are your friends
An army of mobile photographers is waiting to document your event – here’s why you shouldn’t say no, and you shouldn’t just leave them to it

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